Sunday, June 5, 2011

Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms by Ali Akbar Arabi

WOWMAGZ online magazine directory

Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms by Ali Akbar Arabi

Publisher: Auerbach Publications (September 14, 2007) | ISBN: 1420058665 | Pages: 408 | PDF | 10 MB

Abbreviations contribute to enhanced efficiency of writing, reading, and speaking, as well as greater comprehension of technical and scientific articles, reports, and lectures. They serve to reduce the time and cost of writing, typing, editing, and composition resetting. They also decrease the space required for texts, tables, and diagrams. As such, abbreviations are beneficial tools that enhance the dynamics of technical language.
The Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms is a collection of over 16,000 entries that cover the fields of telecommunications, satellite communications, marine communications, radar and military communications, avionics, electronics, computer, Internet, radio and television broadcasting, fiber optics communications, information technology (IT), Information Communication Technology (ICT), remote sensing, cellular networks, Specialized Mobile Radio (SMR), and ham radio. It pays particular attention to the abbreviations used in ITU, Intelsat, IMO, IMSO, and APSCC documents. The glossary also contains abbreviations commonly found in telecom magazines, contracts, and financial documents. In addition, it includes entries that reflect the common terminology used by major telecom companies and operators, as well as those used by specialized institutions and standard organizations such as IEEE, ETSI, IETF, ISO, and GSM. It also includes abbreviations on new technologies. A thorough and essential reference, the Comprehensive Glossary of Telecom Abbreviations and Acronyms helps keep engineers, technical writers, technicians, and university students up to speed on the vast amount of terminology that comes their way.

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